COVID-19 Updates
Our offices are working hard to make numerous changes to protect our patients during this difficult time. Your safety is our top priority and we are doing everything we can to ensure that you have the best possible experience at our office. In order to protect all of our patients, we are enforcing heightened standards on social distancing and anti-viral sanitization. The health of all staff members is monitored routinely and each member must submit to enhanced training before returning to our offices. We are deeply committed to the protection of all our patients and staff and will continue to do everything in our ability to keep our offices healthy and safe.
Please read the following information carefully for instructions on how to schedule your next appointment with Pearly Whites and policies to expect upon arrival.
What to expect at your next appointment:

24 hours prior to the appointment
Phone/online questionnaire
You will be asked some preliminary screening questions when you call to make your appointment. You may also request an appointment online or leave a message and the office will return your call as soon as possible.

We ask that you arrive with a mask, as they are mandatory for entry.
Children will be permitted with only one parent or guardian during their appointment. We ask that all other family members remain home.

Repeat office COVID Questionnaire
Another screening questionnaire will be administered before your appointment to ensure that no visitors to the office are displaying symptoms of illness before being seen for an appointment. Those with symptoms of illness may be asked to reschedule for another date.

Temperature is taken with a contactless thermometer
Upon entry, one of our team members will check your temperature with a contactless thermometer.
Only patients with appointments will be permitted into the office. If you do not have an appointment, you will be required to call in advance to schedule.

Wash hands or use hand sanitizer
Patients will be asked to clean or disinfect their hands before being seated with the doctor.

Seated once cleared
Patients will be asked to clean or disinfect their hands before being seated with the doctor.

Rinse with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide rinse
A 1.5% hydrogen peroxide rinse will be provided once you are seated for your visit and before any procedures may begin.

Keep a safe distance of 6 feet
You will be asked to maintain a 6-foot distance from others at all times while inside of the premise, in the lobby, and waiting room.
Once your procedure is concluded, please reapply your mask before exiting the treatment room.
Extra steps we’re taking to keep you safe when visiting our office:
- Touchless forms are in use at our offices to minimize contact and help prevent potential transmission of viral infections.
- Our staff is equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) and trained with techniques to keep the office hygienic and safe. We have heightened our PPE regimen above and beyond normal safety standards to minimize the potential transmission of illness between patients and dental staff.
- The office follows all of the most current recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Our staff is kept up to date regularly with all new and developing safety guidelines.
- Specialized extraoral suction machines will be used to reduce aerosols during certain procedures.
- Extra glass divider guards are being installed for your enhanced protection.
- We have installed an advanced air purification system in our HVAC system that breaks down pollutants and gases via bipolar ionization without producing harmful byproducts.
- Iwave machines ionize the air and remove the hydrogen molecules and energy sources of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and mold.
- Our offices are disinfected daily with a fog of electrolyzed water (hypochlorous acid) system that is approximately 100x as effective as chlorine bleach. This solution is non-toxic, non-irritant, and environmentally safe. Electrolyzed water is a product of the electrochemical reaction between water, salt, and electricity and can kill pathogens in less than 30 seconds of contact. It has even been proven as an effective solution against bacterial spores and viruses that are resistant to other disinfectants.