Work with what you got…here are some natural remedies to fight bad breath!
Halitosis, the scientific word for bad breath is more common than we think. Plus it seems to occur that it always strikes us at the most inconvenient of times! Especially when we find ourselves in the unpleasant conundrum of having no toothbrush, toothpaste, or mouthwash handy…or in the vicinity at all. So before you set forth on the boondoggle of finding a dental product we have a few alternative options for you.
Bad breath is a problem that has been plaguing people for years. Before the days of such easy product accessibility – we needed to find a way to get rid of bad breath using simply what we had around us. Natural remedies can provide many health benefits for our complete sense of wellness…here are the added benefits for oral hygiene.

Here are a few types of food and drink that help get rid of bad breath:
Water is not only necessary to keep our bodies running healthy- it also has the added benefit of helping to control bad breath. Staying hydrated helps all your systems run as they should – including the inside of our mouths. Water also helps in saliva production which naturally helps rid your mouth and teeth of the bacteria that gathers there. If you want some variation from drinking water, try a cup of green tea. With the polyphenols naturally in green tea – it is a great antioxidant that also help fight oral bacteria.
Fruit is always a great addition to your diet. Not only for healthy fiber, but certain fruits really aid in keeping your mouth clean and fresh. Apples, for example, have a natural detergent property, which assists in pushing the plaque off the teeth simply by eating them. Other fruits like berries, melons, and citrus which a naturally high content of vitamin C -are also great for the teeth. Bacteria cannot thrive against a strong dose of vitamin C. Feel free to throw some of that fruit in your probiotic yogurt – which is known to be very beneficial for your digestive health in general and therefore has the long-term effect that acts as a bad breath neutralizer.
Finally, our good friend the leafy green. Green vegetables like spinach and kale, and even herbs like parsley and basil help keep your internal PH balanced. Low alkaline levels help prevent dry mouth- and we already discussed how important saliva is for clean teeth! Also, chlorophyll is a natural deodorizer and leafy greens are choc full of them!
Before you reach for that pack of gum, or artificial mint- please remember that there is plenty you can find in nature or your cupboard to help you.